Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend updates!!

Geez, what a great weekend!!
It was tiring but a whole lot of fun!!
As mentioned before, today is Rizal's 21st birthday, so we all ( 1 Kingsland Ave with Dian & Hannah) decided to call it for a celebration. yeay!!
So we went out earlier tonight to dine at a local diner and arrived at the place a moment later. Dian walked from her house but Hannah chose to ride on the bus (even though their house is only a stone's throw away).. Girls will always be girls aight?:P

Anyway, we all went inside, and started ordering the food and drinks. When we were eating, Rizal called up the waiter, asking him to take our pictures together at the table. Here's what happened;

Rizal; Excuse me, can you please take our picture together?

Waiter; Yeah sure, hold on for a sec ( walking towards the kitchen bringing along some drinking glasses with him, and then he came back to us)

Waiter: How do you like me standing like this? (While leaning towards the wall with some freaky pose).

We were all stunned for a second. I tried to conceive of what in the name of God that he was trying to do. A moment later, we all bursted into hysterical laugh (especially me, I really cant control myself at that time). Poor guy!!That waiter actually misinterpreted of what Rizal said to him and thought that we wanted to take his photo. (what the heck? who the hell does he think he is? Jonathan Rhyss Meyers? :P). But seriously, I couldn't help myself but laugh out loud and almost got choked with the ice cream for that. Ha Ha. To think logically, why would us want to have his photo in the very first place,aight? That totally serves no purpose to us ( Well, maybe not to Hannah.. she likes dark, talk and handsome guy, and loves a guy in uniform..hahaha) Geez.. that was so weird.

And ouh, before that, when we were all ordering for desserts, Hannah did ask for something which sounds a bit awkward, and for someone who is not so naive like me, something nasty easily came across my mind. Ha Ha. But I shall not elaborate further on this, otherwise someone will come and smack me with her piggy ( by that i mean Pinky) file.. He He..

But seriously, egg man? you want to have oval shape and yellow egg man ice cream for your dessert? and you prefer it to be in large size? Ha Ha. What were you thinking huh? Ha ha, poor Hannah. well, she didn't really say this, at least not in a direct manner. But it was me who exaggerated this to spice the things up. he He. Dont be mad at me k? :P

HeHe. Nevertheless, we all had a wonderful night. We all came back with bloated stomach. And for the birthday boy, Happy 21st Birthday. Btw, here are some of the photos which were taken during the dinner.

This what we had for dinner. Chicken Tandoori, another chicken dishes, and prawn dishes.

I was concentrating on my food.

I almost choked myself with this ice cream when the waiter tried to be funny.

*Disclaimer; This photo is intended for display purpose only, without having any ulterior motives* He He.



Blogger Audy said...

thanks anyway...really appreciate you time should offer all warwickians (when i say all, i mean only the people whom i like to befriend with ...ko tau kan??...haha) my famous chicken sambal(perasan giler...thanks for belanjaing as well...macam tau jer....the significant of 12th nov nih?!

November 13, 2006 2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... likey ur shirt..what brand is that?..hehe..nice colour..

enjoyed reading ur

November 13, 2006 8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy bihrthday rizal..
btw, mmg masa aku mula mula baca pun, aku rasa cam korang nak ambik gambar bersama waiter tu. ahah..

November 13, 2006 8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but to think logically, why would someone nak amek gamba dgn waiter??penah ke jadik camtuh?



November 13, 2006 10:21 AM  
Blogger Audy said...

update open house lak?

November 15, 2006 11:37 PM  
Blogger .ain. said..., dah tau upload photo la nih? hehe makin colourful la nampaknya page nih! i lurrve pics! hehe

and..ur new colour! suits u. and u looks smaller la nowadays.what's up? sign of a good dancing class? gee...

November 16, 2006 5:26 AM  
Blogger faisal said...

ain - no, that is sign of malnutrition.. haha. not good at all. blame all the classes and lectures. he he. hey, i have practically out of the dancing class as i have not attended it for the past 3 weeks. ha ha.

rizal - update open house? malas ar. later kot whenever ada masa. but all the pictures taken are not so great.. ha ha

November 16, 2006 6:19 AM  
Blogger faisal said...

adi - hey, the shirt? i bought this one when i was in malaysia, and the red one i beli dkt gap uk.. it's a mix and match.. haha

November 19, 2006 11:09 PM  
Blogger Mohammad Ihab Ismail said...

Salam oi!!
Jarang masuk blog ni nih, tp sbb ko berkunjung ke blog aku, mencemar duli lah aku jua haha...

About time u realised that the JURIES' DECISIONS are kinda STUPID !! --> wahh kalo diorg pilih Kak Ani tak jadi la stupid gitu!!
Aku serious cakap takde mood nak buat pape --> wahaha EXTREME TAK??!!
Mampos la... Mmg tak puas hati ni Kak Ani kena REJECT ni argh!!...

On the other hand...
Entry ni ala2 duplikasi entry Rizal...
Tp apsal entry ko lagi banyak gambo??
Walhal besday si Rizal - tp kat blog Rizal skit benor gambo??

Wokey now that I've mencemar duli ke mari...
Will be visiting ya again soon!!
Adios for now!!

November 27, 2006 1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kurang hajar cakap aku duplicate rizal
rizal yg actually curik gamba2 dari sini
sedap2 hati tau

kak ani x masuk final
yg penting mawi pon x masuk (kah??)
suro dier balek bela kambennn (matiila ngutuk, walhal mamat tuh lg kaya dari aku)

November 27, 2006 11:00 AM  

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