Just a quickie..
Just a quickie before I am off to bed. This is the article which I have read from a Malaysian local newspaper.
Indeks rasuah: Kedudukan Malaysia merosot ke tangga 44
Kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) 2006 yang dikeluarkan Transparency International jatuh dari kedudukan ke-39 ke tangga 44 daripada 163 negara yang terlibat dalam kajian tersebut. --->> Ouh, the news actually forgot to mention that Malaysia was ranked at 37 in this corruption / transparency index in 2003. It seems to me that the corruption / transparency index in Malaysia is not getting any better from 2003 despite all "necessary measures" taken by the government.
CPI merosot 5.0 mata berbanding 5.1 tahun lalu.
Berikutan kemerosotan itu, kedudukan Malaysia di wilayah Asia Pasifik berada pada kedudukan ke-10, mengatasi negara serantau lain seperti Thailand, China, India, Vietnam, Filipina dan Indonesia.----->>> Why compare us to these countries? Thailand? China? Indonesia? We already know that these countries are not transparent. For China, God knows how untransparent they are when it comes to the freedom of speech and thoughts. Thailand and the Phillipines are still plagued with political crisis, and that explains pretty much of everything. Yes, India is still below us, but she already climbed 18 stairs up the ladder in this CPI, not plunging down like us. More importantly, Why compare us to those who are lagging behind us? Why don't we mention that we are actually behind Singapore and Japan in this Corruption Perception Index (CPI). If we want to move forward, never compare us with those who are at the same par, but try to reach those who are already ahead of us.
Presiden Transparency International Malaysia, Tan Sri Ramon V. Navaratnam berkata, kemerosotan itu agak mengecewakan apatah lagi kerajaan Malaysia telah melaksanakan pelbagai program membasmi rasuah dan meningkatkan ketelusan serta keberkesanan sistem penyampaian awam. --->> we shall not only focus on the reinforcement of law and policies, but more on its effectiveness.
Ini, katanya, termasuk pengenalan Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) dan penubuhan Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM).
Bagaimanapun, katanya, jarak masa yang terlalu besar antara proses merangka polisi-polisi baru dan tempoh pelaksanaan sebenar menjadi punca kemerosotan pencapaian itu. ---->>>> Yeah, it is easier to give excuses rather than to deliver results. Or people would also say it is even easier for me to criticise rather than having to work in the situation itself.
“Jurang itu mesti dihapuskan. Selain itu masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan bagi meningkatkan ketelusan dan akauntabiliti dalam sistem penyampaian awam serta proses perolehan,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.-------->>> Instead of using ought to or must to, why not the responsible agencies make a serious effort to really combat this issue. I doubt if just by saying kita mesti and kita perlu would do much of a different.
Turut hadir pada sidang akhbar itu ialah Timbalan Presiden IIM, Mustafar Ali dan Timbalan Ketua Pengarah II Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR), Datuk Zakaria Jaffar.
Justeru, beliau berharap kerajaan akan melakukan lebih banyak langkah-langkah segera dan tersusun dalam memerangi rasuah.
Transparency International adalah sebuah pertubuhan antarabangsa bukan kerajaan yang diasaskan pada 1993 untuk membanteras rasuah dan menggalakkan urus tadbir yang baik.
CPI pula diperkenalkan pada 1995 bagi menilai darjah perbuatan rasuah yang dianggap berlaku di kalangan kakitangan awam dan ahli politik.
Bagi CPI 2006, keputusan tersebut dibuat hasil daripada data yang dikumpul selama dua tahun bermula 2005 dan 2006.
Dalam pada itu, Mustafar berkata, usaha pemantapan integriti akan dipertingkatkan di bawah rancangan Tekad 2008.
Di bawah rancangan itu, penekanan tidak sahaja diberikan kepada pembasmian rasuah tetapi merangkumi aspek keberkesanan sistem penyampaian awam, tadbir urus korporat, institusi keluarga dan budi bahasa.
Katanya, keputusan CPI itu tidak boleh menjadi gambaran kepada kegagalan PIN kerana program tersebut dilaksanakan mengikut peringkat dan fasa pertama yang bermula 2004 hanya akan berakhir pada 2008. -------->>> This is one thing I love about Malaysia. When we failed in achieving something, we will surely come out with this kind of excuse. It is more like a custom to us by now. Remember when UM did not make the cut for TIMES top 100 University. We also came out with about the same excuse; The measurement is not representative of the real situation, we should also observe from other criterias and yada yada yada...
Beliau menambah, CPI adalah salah satu daripada beberapa sistem ukuran yang diterima masyarakat antarabangsa.
“Ada banyak lagi ukuran yang turut diterima pakai dan IIM juga akan mewujudkan sistem ukuran mengikut acuan sendiri,” katanya ----->>>>> Just when I mentioned it... Ha Ha...
What do you say?
Indeks rasuah: Kedudukan Malaysia merosot ke tangga 44
Kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) 2006 yang dikeluarkan Transparency International jatuh dari kedudukan ke-39 ke tangga 44 daripada 163 negara yang terlibat dalam kajian tersebut. --->> Ouh, the news actually forgot to mention that Malaysia was ranked at 37 in this corruption / transparency index in 2003. It seems to me that the corruption / transparency index in Malaysia is not getting any better from 2003 despite all "necessary measures" taken by the government.
CPI merosot 5.0 mata berbanding 5.1 tahun lalu.
Berikutan kemerosotan itu, kedudukan Malaysia di wilayah Asia Pasifik berada pada kedudukan ke-10, mengatasi negara serantau lain seperti Thailand, China, India, Vietnam, Filipina dan Indonesia.----->>> Why compare us to these countries? Thailand? China? Indonesia? We already know that these countries are not transparent. For China, God knows how untransparent they are when it comes to the freedom of speech and thoughts. Thailand and the Phillipines are still plagued with political crisis, and that explains pretty much of everything. Yes, India is still below us, but she already climbed 18 stairs up the ladder in this CPI, not plunging down like us. More importantly, Why compare us to those who are lagging behind us? Why don't we mention that we are actually behind Singapore and Japan in this Corruption Perception Index (CPI). If we want to move forward, never compare us with those who are at the same par, but try to reach those who are already ahead of us.
Presiden Transparency International Malaysia, Tan Sri Ramon V. Navaratnam berkata, kemerosotan itu agak mengecewakan apatah lagi kerajaan Malaysia telah melaksanakan pelbagai program membasmi rasuah dan meningkatkan ketelusan serta keberkesanan sistem penyampaian awam. --->> we shall not only focus on the reinforcement of law and policies, but more on its effectiveness.
Ini, katanya, termasuk pengenalan Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) dan penubuhan Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM).
Bagaimanapun, katanya, jarak masa yang terlalu besar antara proses merangka polisi-polisi baru dan tempoh pelaksanaan sebenar menjadi punca kemerosotan pencapaian itu. ---->>>> Yeah, it is easier to give excuses rather than to deliver results. Or people would also say it is even easier for me to criticise rather than having to work in the situation itself.
“Jurang itu mesti dihapuskan. Selain itu masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan bagi meningkatkan ketelusan dan akauntabiliti dalam sistem penyampaian awam serta proses perolehan,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.-------->>> Instead of using ought to or must to, why not the responsible agencies make a serious effort to really combat this issue. I doubt if just by saying kita mesti and kita perlu would do much of a different.
Turut hadir pada sidang akhbar itu ialah Timbalan Presiden IIM, Mustafar Ali dan Timbalan Ketua Pengarah II Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR), Datuk Zakaria Jaffar.
Justeru, beliau berharap kerajaan akan melakukan lebih banyak langkah-langkah segera dan tersusun dalam memerangi rasuah.
Transparency International adalah sebuah pertubuhan antarabangsa bukan kerajaan yang diasaskan pada 1993 untuk membanteras rasuah dan menggalakkan urus tadbir yang baik.
CPI pula diperkenalkan pada 1995 bagi menilai darjah perbuatan rasuah yang dianggap berlaku di kalangan kakitangan awam dan ahli politik.
Bagi CPI 2006, keputusan tersebut dibuat hasil daripada data yang dikumpul selama dua tahun bermula 2005 dan 2006.
Dalam pada itu, Mustafar berkata, usaha pemantapan integriti akan dipertingkatkan di bawah rancangan Tekad 2008.
Di bawah rancangan itu, penekanan tidak sahaja diberikan kepada pembasmian rasuah tetapi merangkumi aspek keberkesanan sistem penyampaian awam, tadbir urus korporat, institusi keluarga dan budi bahasa.
Katanya, keputusan CPI itu tidak boleh menjadi gambaran kepada kegagalan PIN kerana program tersebut dilaksanakan mengikut peringkat dan fasa pertama yang bermula 2004 hanya akan berakhir pada 2008. -------->>> This is one thing I love about Malaysia. When we failed in achieving something, we will surely come out with this kind of excuse. It is more like a custom to us by now. Remember when UM did not make the cut for TIMES top 100 University. We also came out with about the same excuse; The measurement is not representative of the real situation, we should also observe from other criterias and yada yada yada...
Beliau menambah, CPI adalah salah satu daripada beberapa sistem ukuran yang diterima masyarakat antarabangsa.
“Ada banyak lagi ukuran yang turut diterima pakai dan IIM juga akan mewujudkan sistem ukuran mengikut acuan sendiri,” katanya ----->>>>> Just when I mentioned it... Ha Ha...
What do you say?
at last, malaysia is more corrupt than indonesia. haha. anything can happen in malaysia. malaysia boleh. opps, i'm so lazy to register my name whatsoever. huhu. btw, i'm miss anonymous. n my opinion isn't as educated as a lawyer-to-be
eh silap, i read somewhere that we are now behind indonesia. forget it, local (malay) press isn't transparent too.
Why compare us to those who are lagging behind us? Why don't we mention that we are actually behind Singapore and Japan in this Corruption Perception Index (CPI). If we want to move forward, never compare us with those who are at the same par, but try to reach those who are already ahead of us.
at least we are better than Italy, 45th in the rank :p. negara maju tu. malaysia pun dah ade ala2 mafia nowadays. haha
Corruptions in Malaysia are at the highest level (if you know what I mean) and they are happening in broad daylight (again, if you know what I mean).
Enough said.
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that is sooo true!!
but i thought our PM already made a pledge to combat corruption even into the "worm holes"? come on adam, give him some credits that he deserved for.
Ha Ha Ha. *laughing out loud while rolling under my blanket now*
give him credit? he did nothing other than restating his "saya tak tau, saya terluka" words. wonder what Tun M think when he choose paklah as his successor.
i was being sarcastic when i said we should give him some credits for what he has been doing / not been doing all these years..
is that so? saya tak tau. je ne sais pas :p
is that so? saya tak tau. je ne sais pas :p
oui, je suis was only being sarcastic about that.. haha,, broken french :P
thought u might be interested with this article. http://www.bharian.com.my/m/BHarian/Wednesday/Nasional/20061107233451/Article/
p/s: i hate that 'keris' guy
this is one thing i like about you....
u care about what's happening in the country? rite? but most of my fellow-friends including me, we didnt really care about this thing. Aha...anyway...i have created my own blog...baru je buat tadi...huiks~
funny how some people can even question the results.. and more surprisingly they're shocked.. ahah! even a 12-yo knows this is not a free country.. everything's a hype..
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