Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Second Update

My second updates for this term.
I am actually at home right now, just came back from the uni, and shall be going back to campus for my french lesson and then will stay for the ifthar. I never thought that my life could be this hectic. I still remember that last year, at this moment, when I just arrived to the UK, I fooled around a lot, spent most of my times travelling instead of going for the lectures. I never worried too much if I missed a seminar or two. I never bother to think what I am going to do after accomplishing my degree and I don't give a damn if there was any career talk going on campus.

But now, this situation has changed, a lot if I may say. Maybe it's because I have become a lot more matured (geez.. i doubt so), or perhaps I am now being influenced by my surroundings, seeing my colleagues signing up for career talks and stuff makes me wanting not to be left out of the boat. Nevertheless, I am content with my life now. At least I no longer waste much time (and also $$$) doing nonsense. I am currently taking up a french leisure course, and want to be active in Amnesty International, AIESEC and mooting. I have also attended the latin and ballroom dancing classes, and I do like it and I am gonna continue doing it, at least for now. I am also currently applying for part time jobs at various shops ( Sainsbury's, Odeon Cinema and etc) coz I could make a good use of some extra money. I hope this would not be too much for me to handle. I really would not want to compromise my academics anymore. Enough is enough ( saying this to myself over and over again).. He He. But hey, it's no biggy, if I think I could not cope with what I am doing right now, I can just quit whenever I want to, but that certainly does not apply to my studies. Haha. Ok. Enough talking crap. Actually I am just trying to occupy my time with something to do at home before I leave for my next class. So, here it is. My second update. Not too much substances (or maybe there's no substance at all), yet I managed to do something with my time. Ha Ha.

By the way, I just receieved kad raya from a friend in Malaysia. Ha ha. I was somehow expecting to get my first kad raya from my family, but I guess their card must somehow still stucked at the post office. He he. Thanks anyway. Thank you Shah for the thoughts. He he. By the way, I have now moved to a new house ( daaaaa.. it was like 3 weeks ago), and now staying together with Khalis and Rizal. I guess I shall make an entry on our house later on. He he. If anything, we can be contacted at this address:

1 Kingsland Avenue, Chapelfields, CV5 8DY, Coventry, UK. ------->>>>>> Ha Ha... promote address sendirik

Ok then. Gotta run now. The bus is soooo unreliable and I do not want to be late for my french class.

Au revoir!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour, monsieur!
good luck with the french class, wanna speak that language with you somedays =)

October 19, 2006 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin kalau ada salah silap yg aku penah buat kat ko sepanjang kita kenal huhu...

October 21, 2006 10:13 AM  
Blogger faisal said...

syakira : sure, hopefully we'll be able to communicate in french someday, but not until i have a good grasp of this language.hehe.. anyway, happy eid mubarak to you. sorry for not being able to contact awak coz ada prob with my phone.hehe.take care then.

mirul:yer..dosa2 ko yg banyak telahpun aku ampunkan..hahaha..kidding lol.ko penah buat salah dkt aku ke?penah ngumpat belakang2 ek??:P

October 21, 2006 3:58 PM  
Blogger shah said...

o big deal pasal kad tuh..
heppi raya..
sedapnyer rendang..ketupat..
hahahah :p

October 27, 2006 7:46 AM  

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