Thursday, May 18, 2006

the Empire strikes back

Haiihhh.. first of all, forgive me for such a bad title, I just could not find a better title for this entry.

Well, in the previous post, i pasted a link to the video in which one of the Malaysian prominent politicians was behaving inappropriately while delivering his speech.

And well it seems like that was not the only time he was behaving inappropriately while in the public. In this video, the same person was making an "obscene gesture" to the oppositions during a rally (which i am not pretty sure what is was), and which I consider, or any reasonable person would consider as rude and absurd. Ok, he was provoked by the oppositions, but he should realize that he is the man in power, and he should use his brain, not emotions. Sooner or later, the oppositions could well manipulate this to their own advantage.haihh.. YB. where are your manners YB, your is this what we called as Islam Hadhari?? hehe.. By acting as what he did in the video, the politician is not much different from the commoners, in fact much worse than that, all people in that video at least did not misbehave, except for him.haihh

Ok fine, i am one emotional person too, and can easily lose my nerves when being provoked.And i know that everyone has their own setbacks, right? nobody is perfect. but for God's sake he IS a menteri besar, people are watching him and what the hell was he thinking when he made that kind of gesture.He should not have done that in the first place, just imagine what would happen if this was to be telecast by the local TV?(though i believe this would never happen)

haihhh.. this is why I think we should have a live telecast of the Parliament proceedings, so that the MPs would behave well in the Parliament, would not make sarcastic "monkey remarks", or being racist to one and another , and the public could expect a better quality of Parliamentary debate, and which they do not discuss on such trivial matters such as dress code and stuff, but instead focusing on more important agenda for the nation. Well, at the very end on the day, people would be more than happy knowing that their precious tax money are being put for a good use and do not simply go into the drain.

Anyway I just read this one entry on the Jasin MP alleged corruption case, and I guess everyone should take their sweet time reading it too, just for the sake of knowing what is happening with Malaysian politics nowadays.

I wonder if people even give a damn about this. Well, let us just wait and see. Sarawak state election is coming up this saturday, and this could be the benchmark of Pak Lah's popularity. I am saying this with full confidence that the oppositions shall not be able to topple to current state government, for obvious reason, that they were contending in less that fifty percent of the total seats ( DAP only 12, while PAS only 1). But if they were to gain more than what they did before ( they won only 2 seats during the last election, one DAP and one independent candidate), I hope this would be a wake up call to Pak Lah's administration to take up serious measures before it gets too late. It seems like the blog kingdoms have got more entries on politics nowadays, mostly voicing their dissatisfaction and discontent on the current affairs, the petrol price hike, the widening income gap between the rich and the poor and how things are managed in Malaysia. I wonder how would Pak Lah's react if he knows how discontented people are with his administration. Come on Pak Lah, you can do it!!

NOTE: Seriously, I am in no position of arguing on this, considering my lack of knowledge on Malaysian politics, and because I realise the government sent me here to study, not to learn of how to criticise them. Neither I am one big fan of the opposition parties, because when it comes to politics, i stand on the neutral ground. Whatever I say and might say is just a matter of my own personal view, which largely based on my own readings and interpretations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the footages you referred were old ones. I guess you were in school back then so you were insulated by all this.

It is a blessing to be abroad and able to assess issues at home more objectively, but it's also a waste that given such a glaring disregard for decency and accountability, many of us choose to be ignorant.

Follow your conscience and you will see the light, although it might not be what you like.

But no one ever says the truth is always sweet or happy!

May 18, 2006 1:52 PM  
Blogger faisal said...

i do realize that the fact on income gap was rather old, but i guess it is still not obsolete, or does it?
i have been looking for more recent statistics on that, but seems like i couldnt get one.

and as what i said earlier, whatever i wrote and shall write in this, they are all a matter of my own personal view

May 18, 2006 2:22 PM  
Blogger Adam Ahmad said...

Did you noticed that his aide next to him actually tried to stop him? I guess those guys could be a better Menteri Besar than him. What? Is he 8 years old? STUPID OLD MAN. That's right. STUPID OLD MAN.

Sorry for the language. I mean, if he as a Menteri Besar can show an obscene gesture, I believe it is OK for me to say something that is not obscene at all like STUPID OLD MAN.

Sadly, after all the wrongdoings in Pak Lah administration, my heart is still with UMNO. Sigh. I guess because of people like me, UMNO is becoming more and more complacent in its duty for the RAKYAT.

P.S. Faisal, you can delete my comment if you want to. And send my regards to the STUPID OLD MAN.

May 18, 2006 7:21 PM  
Blogger faisal said...

that's what i said, he was behaving like a commoner, as if people are not watching him, and as if he has lose part of his brain.


what's with the suddent emo?
tensen study?:P

May 18, 2006 8:15 PM  
Blogger Adam Ahmad said...

Tension? Yup. Studying law right now. so damn difficult. have to read like 48 kali kot, then baru paham. dammit!

May 18, 2006 8:22 PM  
Blogger faisal said...

on what modules exactly?
kalau tort ok larr..
kalau property or legal theory mmg buhsan..

take it easy man..

as one of our friend used to tell me, and i quote, "law nih SENANG, reading and hafal jer, xyah byk2 nak kira mcm engineering"..

yeah, sure..


May 18, 2006 8:29 PM  
Blogger Irzan said...

"because I realise the government sent me here to study, not to learn of how to criticise them. "

referring to V for vendetta "the gov is supposed to be afraid of its own ppl, not vice versa"

anyways if i were to be in their position i'd be afraid that our future *first class citizens* that the gov sent think like this. it shows there's a flaw obviously. kalau takde angin masakan pokok bergoyang.

you really do love all those statistics eh? berapa contestant etc2 ..

i read about the jasin thingy but more interested in the fight between tun M and pak lah's administration :p it's interesting to see how old tigers fight. be it retired tiger or the tiger that still holds power.

nevertheless we can have all the fun we want by seeing their amusing actions.


May 19, 2006 12:06 AM  
Blogger Irzan said...

oh and when i mention the "fight", it's about malaysia-singapore bridge.

May 19, 2006 12:07 AM  
Blogger faisal said...

i am already accustomed to write something based on stats and empirical data, or anything relevant to prove my case.


"referring to V for vendetta "the gov is supposed to be afraid of its own ppl, not vice versa"

this only works in an utopian society, maybe in our future society, but definitely not in our current malaysian society.


May 19, 2006 12:33 AM  
Blogger Irzan said...

Obviously. Hehe. Be a good lawyer k babe?

May 21, 2006 9:46 PM  
Blogger Irzan said...

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May 24, 2006 8:53 PM  

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