Sunday, March 12, 2006

Aim for the money !!!

Today was my second day at work.
and for those who still have no idea what kind of job am i doing for this vacation *just for the sake of not wanting u guys to get the wrong idea!!*, i am now working at the warwick hospitality as casual assistant.

Haha. casual assistant?! It sounds better that it really is. But basically, all that I have to do is to clean up the bin, mop the floor, check the toilet, do the laundry and even to wipe the ass, oppss, I mean the wall. yeah. wipe the wall! It sounds pretty hard at first, considering that I am not the type of person who loves to indulge myself into that kind of work. For the record, I don't remember when was the last time i cleared the bin in my kitchen and I have kept my unwashed t shirts and jeans in my laundry bin for almost two bloody weeks *stinky me*!! Haha. Yeah, my life is pretty mess up. But somehow, there was something that motivated me to apply for the job and will keep on encouraging me to stay with the "lousy" job.

And it was the money.

When it comes to the money, I would do anything for it, well, most of anything for it, as long as it does not contradict with my life etiquette. HaHa. I know that sounds so lame.

Call me a materialistic person, but who does not love the money? Especially considering my huge debts and crucial financial situation, getting some extra income is what I need for, in not letting myself to plunge into futher debts.

One would wonder, how could I get myself into these debts. I am PNB scholar *not to sound pretentious, but for the record, we, the PNB scholars get the highest allowance amongst other Malaysian scholars in the UK*, and I do not live in London, or even Birmingham, two big cities in the UK, that could cost the high living expenditure. Honestly, I have no idea where all of my money have gone to. *sigh*

Maybe this time I should manage my finance MORE properly. NO more shoppings!! NO more dining out!! NO more phone calls to Malaysia *this one I could do easily by now*!! NO more travelling *ouch*!! Or maybe I should start budgetting, if that could ever work for me.It sounds rather too ambitious, because I know I can never do that. But whatever it is, I will put my very best effort not to overspend, not this time!! Smack me if I ever screw up again okay!! I am sick and tired of getting these mails from HSBC telling me to pay my debt and blablabla!!

Any idea of how to sort out this financial problem of mine? Haha!!

Well, I hope I could manage my finance wisely this time, without having to sacrifice much of what I am doing now.

It has been three days since I started working, and to my surprise, I checked my payslip, and guess what, the salary that I got for the past three days is more than enough to repay my debt with HSBC. Haha, there you go!! Take back ur money and stop bugging me!!

Opss, I forgot that I still owe people some money. Haha, I shall figure out that later then.

Tomorrow I am working, as usual, trying my very best to stick with the mundane job and not to quit from it!!

I am still new with this blogging stuff. Jadi Minta Tunjur Ajar (",)


Blogger Adam Ahmad said...

Haha. least takde la diary hidup. huhu. anyway, hsbc nye debt tuh, ko bayar interest skali la ek?

March 12, 2006 8:43 PM  
Blogger Adam Ahmad said...

wei, kot ye pun dah add those links. padam la yang edit me part. huh.

March 12, 2006 10:13 PM  
Blogger Irzan said...

You know what, you don't have to live in the big cities in order to spend a lot. Take me for example. I live in a huge village in Ukraine, and this town is not even the capital of Ukraine, and yet i'm spending RM1000 a month! Where the hell does all the money go man???

Oh, yes. I dine out everyday. That's a luxury, I guess. Considering that the price of the food out there is not that expensive for me to have the luxury of not cooking. :)

March 13, 2006 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

simpan sket duit, bwk balek mesia. u owe me a meal, remember. :oP~

March 25, 2006 8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! Blood pressure not controlled by medication

April 26, 2007 2:28 AM  

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